Sunday, April 28, 2013

Do Something

Happy birthday to me. I am 52.

I'm quite tired. In fact, I'm exhausted, even after taking a one hour nap at 7 PM. Hopefully, this means I'll sleep within minutes after I lay my head on the pillow a little later, but that's doubtful and not within my usual pattern. I did a lot today.

I've deemed this is the year that I do something. I think too much. I've always been told that by close friends and even therapists. I mull. I stew. I replay. Stated simply, I can work myself into a tizzy faster than anyone I know, and then it takes me a week to get out of it. That's such a waste of my time. Seems the older I get, the more I want to wisely use the time I have left. So...

I asked that my friend Jackie Gleason take me to one of the pro sport stores today, so I could learn a little about bows and arrows. I've always wanted to do that--yes, even before the "Hunger Games" book was published or the movie was released. After trying it out, I ended up buying a recurve bow, not very expensive. I was told by the sales person to buy arrows at a store that specializes in the sport, so I didn't end up spending a sizable amount of money as a beginner. I really appreciated him doing that. I'll head east of the city tomorrow to check out the arrows.

Time for bed. I just can't keep my eyes open much longer. I feel like a child on Christmas Day. I'm looking forward to spending time with my new hobby. I don't plan to hunt, but I'd like to eventually take lessons, join a club, and compete. Oh, I just remembered. One of the people who got me interested in this sport was actress Geena Davis. Not that we're close friends or anything. Toodles!

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